Ingredients for 4 people - Preparation and cooking: 1 hour
- 800 g supions (small cuttlefish))
- 1 kg of fresh tomatoes or tomato pulp,
- 1 sugar,
- 1 onions
- 1 garlic clove,
- Bouquet garni,
- 100 ml of white wine,
- 50 ml of Marc de Provence
- Sel, Espelette pepper,
- Olive oil.
Cut the onion, peel and crush the garlic.
In a jumper, sweat onion and garlic in olive oil. Wet with white wine, let evaporate for a few minutes. Add the tomato and simmer with the garnished bouquet. Saler and pepper.
In a frying pan, heat olive oil and put them in it supions Roast. If they make a lot of water, empty it as long as the supions do. Finally, torch them at the marc de Provence. Add them in the tomato sauce and cook for 45 minutes on soft heat.