
Vitello Tonnato

15 Nov 2023 | 0 comments

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Well yes, my Italian origins resurface and a craving for vitello Tonnato I'm titling the taste buds!

Yes! Voglio bene darlvi la mia ricetta del vitello Tonnato !

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 800 g of roasted veal,
  • 500 ml of white wine,
  • 1 onion,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 bouquet garnished,
  • 3 egg yolks,
  • 300 ml of oil (optional for Mayonnaise : rapeseed, sunflower, olives or a mixture... for my part it's a mixture rapeseed/olives)
  • 3 filletsAnchovies,
  • 400 g of natural tuna,
  • 2 lemons,
  • 3 cs of caps,
  • Some caprons for finishing,
  • Salt, pepper

Preparation 20 minutes, cooking 1 hour, rest 12 hours

As with all meats, put the meat at room temperature 1 hour prior to use.

In a jumper do brown on each side the calf after salting and peppering. Add chopped onion, crushed garlic and white wine. Put the bouquet on it. Cover and cook for 1 hour.

After cooking, put the veal in a clean cloth and tighten it well. Keep 12 hours fresh.

Tip anti gaspi : do not throw away the baking broth, put it in a container with the date and content. Freeze it, it will serve for a future preparation! For other anti gaspi tips :

Before the tasting, mount the mayonnaise with the yolks of egg and oil and a little salt (very little as we will add a little after the fillets of anchovy).

Mix tuna with anchovies, lemon juice and caps. Mix with the Mayonnaise.


Cut it veal which is firm in thin slices. Spread nicely on a plate, cover with Tuna sauce. Decorate with caprons and lemon zest and taste!


We can accompany this vitello Tonnato a good seasonal salad. This dish is traditionally cold but can be tasted warm.

In my diner cocktail, we will also find it in format «bites » !

portrait cathy rosi
Cathy Rosi

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